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About Chella Rens
Chella Rens has 3 current jobs including Global Recruitement Director at Institute for Independent Business International Ltd in netherlands, Directeur at iib, Global Director at Institute for Independent Business International Ltd. Institute for Independent Business International Ltd is a Education Management company in 1209 Gustav Mahlerplein 2
Amsterdam, North Holland 1082 MA, NL with 80 employees
A non-profit research, training and accreditation organization for senior experienced business professionals. Many have been CEOs, Managing Directors or Executive Board Directors, with personal experience of the pressures, stresses and joys of running businesses.
Post-graduation IIB Alumni are encouraged to collaborate, ‘by Associates for Associates’. Thousands of accredited Associates around the world provide "practical advice that works™" to their clients. Accredited Associates may denote their accreditation by "AInstIB". Fellows may also use "FInstIB".
The Institute does not provide client-based advisory services itself. Accredited Associates who are advisors, coaches, consultants (etc.) provide help directly companies who are their clients. They make a tremendous difference to the lives of countless business owners, their businesses, and their employees.
Associates collaborate and work together, sharing knowledge, specialist skills and experience, and helping with clients to provide unparalleled support to meet the exact needs of business owners. All must abide by the Institute's Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct.
Due to LinkedIn system restrictions Associates may incorrectly be shown as "employees". Some are or have been appointed by the Institute and hold specific roles.