The leopard is the last big predator to still roam free in the Western Cape, South Africa. The species faces multiple threats, including limited and fragmented habitat, reduction in prey numbers and high levels of conflict with people. The Cape Leopard Trust (CLT, established 2004) is a non-governmental, non-profit, public benefit organisation that aims to facilitate and promote the conservation of biological diversity, with a focus on the leopard as a flagship species.
The CLT consists of a small, highly dedicated and enthusiastic team, spread across a number of project areas, and for the past 15 years they have been working to ensure the long-term survival of leopard populations for the benefit of nature and society. The CLT uses a combination of rigorous scientific research, applied conservation, and environmental education and outreach to better understand leopards, inform management policies, mitigate human-leopard conflict, promote biodiversity conservation and habitat connectivity, uplift and upskill community members living in leopard areas, and inspire the next generation to become conservation ambassadors.