Is your net collection percent for medical billing and collection in the 98-99% range? Are your days to collect a charge less than 35 days? Are your accounts over 120 days past due less than 10%? If you answered no to any of these question and desire to achieve these goals, along with assurance you are being paid appropriately for every patient charge and confidence that your cash flow is at its maximum, Medical Practice Management Services (MPMS),
can help.
MPMS’ specialty is medical billing and collections; however, offerings extend to meet many other needs. The experience and expertise of the MPMS staff is guaranteed to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of processes with a medical practice.
MPMS Services:
Post charges and payments
Apply and monitor all payer and bad debt adjustments
Submit electronic billing daily for insurance payers, and paper claims when necessary
Receive payments electronically from payers when possible
Process denial and return mail
Follow up on unpaid insurance claims
Manage self-pay collections
Audit credit balances
Handle collection agency interactions
Address patient inquires
Respond quickly to provider inquires
Assist in the creation of competitive fee schedules
Perform coding audits
Perform documentation reviews
Provide monthly reports, clearly delineating the status of accounts receivable
Perform credentialing work for providers
Provide payer reimbursement negotiations
Hospitals and Health Care, Community Services & Organizations
HQ Location
7400 Mineral Drive
Suite 400
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83815, US
Medical BillingCollectionsCredentialingAccounts ReceivableConsultingMedical CodingPractice ManagementAR Follow-upProvider EnrollmentHospital Privileging