We help tech companies with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Content Marketing.
Unlike most other agencies, we do only 1 thing so we're exceptionally good at it: We help tech companies drive leads from organic traffic.
We're exclusively focused on tech companies from Seed stage to pre-IPO. So we understand the unique marketing challenges tech companies face, and how SEO plays a role in the overall marketing strategy.
We take full responsibility for SEO results. Specifically, we focus on achieving steady year-over-year growth in non-branded organic traffic.
We also ensure the quality of traffic, not just the quantity. To do this, we track conversion rates to make sure growing traffic results in growing conversions and ultimately growing qualified leads.
To achieve these goals, we focus not just on technical SEO, but we also write SEO-driven blog content at a regular cadence.
Our SEO practices are 100% white hat and get long-term results without any fear of a Google algorithm update sending traffic off a cliff.
If your tech company needs more organic traffic that converts to leads, let's talk! https://cooper-marketing.com/#lets-talk