Royal Society for Public Health is an independent, multi-disciplinary charity dedicated to the improvement of the public’s health and wellbeing.
Our vision is that everyone has the opportunity to live a healthier longer life.
We work closely with our members, the public health workforce and wider community to develop and implement a wide range of policy and projects to educate and empower individuals, effect change and celebrate excellence.
What we do:
Public health encompasses all aspects of health protection and health promotion and this is reflected throughout our projects, policy work, reports and campaigns.
A membership of over 5,000 public health professionals encompassing a wide range of sectors and roles including health promotion, medicine, environmental health and food safety trainers
Our network of centres enable over 40,000 people each year to achieve qualifications in subjects as diverse as food hygiene, health and safety, behaviour change, health improvement and nutrition.
We offer a wide range of conferences, seminars and events covering a wide and diverse range of topics.
We provide an accreditation service for public health training programmes and campaigns
RSPH is a registered charity in England & Wales (Reg no. 1125949) and in Scotland (Reg no. SC040750)