Cross Road Health Ministries, Inc. (CRHM) is a Christian, faith-based nonprofit healthcare organization that provides primary care, urgent care, behavioral health, and pharmacy services to the Copper River Basin and interior Alaska. Our service area is close to 49,000 square miles of sparsely populated and beautiful Alaska wilderness. Cross Road Medical Center in Glennallen, North Country Clinic at Grizzly Lake, and Interior Alaska Medical Clinic in Delta Junction are CRHM's three clinics servicing this vast area.
Cross Road was founded as Faith Hospital in 1956 through the vision of missionary Vince Joy. Cross Road Medical Center was independently incorporated in 1988 as a not-for-proifit, faith-based 501c(3) corporation that transitioned to Cross Road Health Mniistries, Inc. in 2016. Two of our clinics are recognized Federally Qualified Health Centers. All of our clinics seek to provide care to community members and offer a sliding fee scale to patients who financially qualify for this discount program.
We recognize that God is the Great Physician! We want to serve Him with open arms and dedicated hearts. We can use your help to accomplish this goal. We wil gladly accept your prayer and financial support, and we accept applications for volunteers or employees.