JJ Disney Limited is a specialist lift consultant, health and safety consultant and training provider. We have 30 years’ experience in managing lift portfolios, training, safety, design and specification for a diverse customer base spanning retail, public authority, healthcare, financial, commercial, industrial and petrochemical sectors. We can help you in every area relating to the lift and escalator industry.
We can provide a wide range of services for all lift and escalator related issues including:
Condition reports
Feasibility studies
Design and project management
Maintenance contract design and management
Lift traffic analysis and performance enhancement
Forward cost plans
Asset register compilation
Acquisition and dilapidation reports
Performance specifications
Project management
Full design duties
Disabled access advice, reports and specifications
Expert witness service
Accident investigation for lift and escalator incidents
Company safety officer roles
CDM principal designer
Company safety audits
Workplace risk assessments
Task risk assessments
LOLER (insurance) inspection surveys
Expert advice
Safe release of trapped lift passengers
Lift awareness training for persons responsible for lift management
Fire/emergency evacuation for fire wardens using evacuation lifts
Specialist rescue of casualties from lift incidents