Since 1968, Urban Research & Development Corporation has specialized in master plan design for parks, trails and greenways. We have prepared master plans for over 100 regional, county and local parks. URDC has designed several rails-to-trails projects and bikeway paths. The firm has also completed master planning and design for universities, non-profit institutions, commercial ventures, industrial parks and resort developments.
For over forty-two years, URDC has been a leader in preparing park master plans. Preparing comprehensive plans, zoning ordinances, parks, recreation and open space plans and subdivision and land development regulations are among other primary services to local governments.
URDC serves both the public and private sectors. Federal and state agencies have retained URDC on an assortment of planning-related assignments. Cities, boroughs, townships, counties and regional entities have retained URDC in several states. Our other clients have included universities and health providers plus selected developers, investors and attorneys.
URDC has a very successful record in securing grant funding to plan, construct and improve recreation areas under the Pennsylvania state grant programs. Our firm has also acquired and administered community development program block grants and many other grant funds for a wide range of public improvements.