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About Charles Becker
Charles Becker is V.P. Employee Services at Edge Systems in 33502 SH 249
Pinehurst, TX 77362, US. Previously worked at Hyperion Safety Services as Hse Technician. Edge Systems is a Oil and Gas company in 33502 SH 249
Pinehurst, TX 77362, US with 82 employees
The Company was formed as Midwest Well Logging in December 1964 by Hoyt Hudspeth and Harold McConnell. Hoyt and Ruthe Hudspeth purchased all of Harold’s interest in 1972 and renamed the company Petroleum Well Logging, Inc. It operated under that name until 1987 when the name as changed to Petroleum Mud Logging, Inc (PML).
The Company’s extensive client base attracted the attention of Rentech, Inc., a Denver, Colorado base corporation, in early 1999. Rentech purchased PML in June 1999. New management was installed and an electronics consultant was retained to design a new ‘state of the art’ gas monitoring system that utilized the latest electronics technology.
In November 2006, Petroleum Mud Logging, Inc. was purchased by a private investment group and renamed PML Exploration Services LLC. The name change was done to better reflect the long term goals of the company.
Since the acquisition PML has expanded its operations across the US and developed its own gas analysis and rig data management solutions. These solutions provide secure web based information to its clients on a real time basis.
Edge Systems is an innovative, customer driven Advanced Service provider to the oil and gas industry. EDGE Systems can support your drilling activities wherever they are in the US. Local technical support staff are always available and dedicated to maintaining quality support.