Kingdom Studios is a Web3 Blockchain Development Organization that is building the MythicSwap Decentralized Exchange (DEX) and DeFi Kingdoms, a Play-To-Earn (p2e) game that is revolutionizing Web3 Gaming by allowing players to own all in-game digital assets. Kingdom Studios was created to embrace the full potential of the blockchain in game form. The dream team is realizing decentralized gaming in DeFi Kingdoms: Serendale, Crystalvale, and DeFi Kingdoms Blockchain. Our partnerships include AvaLabs and the Klaytn Foundation.
The Core Team at Kingdom Studios retains expertise, drawn from years at the pinnacle of blockchain innovation and game design, ensures a gaming experience that's not only immersive but also rewarding. By integrating cutting-edge blockchain technology, they're redefining the gaming landscape, offering players not just a game, but a thriving digital economy. Their vision is clear: to create a world where entertainment and earning are seamlessly intertwined. This isn't just a game; it's the future of digital interaction, shaped by the best minds in the field.
Our second project, MythicSwap, is a Decentralized Exchange (DEX). The decentralized token marketplace, utilizes peer to peer limit orders with tokens escrowed in smart contracts, powered by smart tools to enhance the DeFi trading experience.