Our mission is to promote the advancement of music education in Georgia.
The Georgia Music Educators Association is one of fifty-one state affiliates of the National Association for Music Education. GMEA was founded in 1938 and has been active in music education in Georgia continuously since that time. We are registered with the Internal Revenue Service as a 501-c3 not-for-profit organization. Currently we have approximately 3,000 members who are public school, private school, college and university, and private studio music teachers. We also have a collegiate membership, made up of students who are majoring in music education, which has twenty-three chapters, and a program for high school students, who are interested in studying music in college, which has fifty-five chapters. The association is divided into fourteen geographical districts, each of which sponsors its own events and has its own officers. All these components of GMEA operate under the governance and supervision of our state officers and board of directors.