We’re surrounded by noise. Screaming, shouting or just annoying – it’s unavoidable. The objective is often to confuse, seed doubt or cause disruption. The tactic seems always to centre on shock; visual, audible or physical. For those with mental health conditions all of that noise just heightens the problems.
Yet somewhere all of us know that clear thought is clearer without stress, tense situations are resolved with calm. The Design in Mental Health Network was formed by a group of concerned professionals in 2006 and has grown year on year since. Our aim is to transform mental health environments to improve recovery. Independent studies have shown our work reduces the length of stay for patients (by more than 20%) and reduces staff absence (often by 40%).
We’d love to shout about it, but we don’t want to add to the noise. So we quietly ask for your help. It’s free to Join Us, to add your voice, and to help roll back the tide of a mental health epidemic.
Join us here.