The Story School is an educational nonprofit live-action role-play summer camp located in the woods of Nature’s Classroom in Charlton, MA.
Our trained staff of educators, game designers, and counselors immerse campers (ages 8 - 18) in an epic adventure story pulled from history, mythology, and literature. By day, our campers become fabled heroes battling fantastical monsters, solving interactive STEM puzzles, and leveling up their social roleplaying skills to save the world. By night, our campers play board games, gather around campfires, and build crafts with their roommates forging friendships that last a lifetime.
In an open community embracing neurodiverse and LGBTQ+ campers, The Story School weaves together social education, leadership training, and hands-on learning into the fabric of our fantastical adventures.
We are always looking for more community members, staff, and connections to join together and help advance the power of story-based, curiosity-led, and immersive role-playing education in all fields.