In the last few years, our country has seen the tragic loss of a multitude of local media businesses. Certainly, this has included newspapers, but radio stations and magazines are also affected. Their struggle has been declining ad and subscription revenue. Sadly, this trend accelerates.
As readers received news online or through social media, they took less time to enjoy local news. Giant digital ad providers aggressively marketed to local businesses, trumpeting their ability to “hyper-target” consumers online.
The result was a bias against print ads and depressingly low ad rates for online local news products.
All of these trends ignored the enormous power of stories about our community - people we know, schools we cherish, events we attend.
As you know, ads adjacent to stories about the people and places of our town have the greatest value of all.
OnPremise Networks helps to restore this value for media companies in “county seat” communities.
We take your wonderful writing and pictures and turn these into video and then broadcast them on televisions across your community.
We do this by partnering with local media businesses.
We create an Out Of Home television network in restaurants, coffee shops, gyms, hair salons, etc. across their community. We play your news on the screens. Next, your ads play adjacent to the news. People enjoy the news where they eat, shop and relax.
They don’t have to “search” for the news. We bring it to them.
Our television network builds excitement and immediacy around your breaking news. We send readers back to your core web or print products to get the full story.
The result - more readers or listeners and more advertisers.
We provide a solution that undergirds local media’s time tested strengths - telling community stories, providing the best local ad solution.
We’d love to tell you more.
Feel free to reach out to me at or call me at 847-456-2996.