The Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions of Europe (CPMR) brings together more than 150 Regions from 27 States from the European Union and beyond. Representing almost 200 million people, the CPMR campaigns in favour of a more balanced development of the European territory. It operates both as a think tank and as a lobby for Regions.
Through its extensive network of contacts within the EU institutions and national governments the CPMR has, since 1973, been targeting its action towards ensuring that the needs and interests of its Member regions are taken into account in respect of policies with a high territorial impact. Its main focus concentrates on social, economic and territorial cohesion, integrated maritime policy and transport accessibility. European governance, agriculture and rural development, research and innovation, energy and climate change, neighbourhood and development, also represent important areas of activity for the association.
The CPMR is a unique organisation, being sub-divided into six geographical commissions, corresponding to the European maritime basins, such as the Baltic Sea, the North Sea, the Atlantic Arc, the Mediterranean, the Balkan and Black Sea and the Islands. The geographical commissions represent important fora for constructive debate and sharing best practice on common issues and concerns. these commissions symbolise the backbone of the CPMR, contributing to its reflections and to the preparation of its policy papers.