The idea for a luxury exotic leather fashion brand came when Lana Marks and her husband were invited to a birthday celebration for Queen Elizabeth II aboard the royal yacht Britannia. A fruitless search for a red alligator handbag to match her suit led Lana Marks to conclude that a niche existed in the marketplace for luxury, exotic leather fashion handbags in fabulous colors. Lana Marks devoted several years to studying the techniques of accessories design and Italian production, working with the most skilled Italian artisans in the world. A few years later, she launched her first design, a hot pink alligator lunchbox handbag. It was an instant success.
Since then, LANA MARKS has become known for the most luxurious handbags in the world, displaying an exquisite blend of impeccable architectural proportions and a breathtaking spectrum of hundreds of colors. Her accessories have become a favorite among royalty and entertainment style-makers.
Residing in Palm Beach, Florida, Lana Marks represented the United States at the Women's Business Leader's Summit in Helsinki. Lana Marks currently serves as a member of Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government Women's Leadership.