COMBLACK is a leading high-tech talent management company.
You can find our leading talents on the biggest companies in the Israeli industry:
Fintech and Hi-Tech companies, Government ministries as the Ministry of Defense and others.
We provide a wide range of solutions and services for R&D and IT customers.
Our employees are served at IDF elite technological units and specialize in:
1. Communication, Security & CYBER.
2. Infrastructure ,integration and implementation.
3. Application Development for Main-Frame Environment, Open systems, SOA, Java/ J2EE, MOBILE AND MORE
4. BI and Database-oriented solutions.
Close and long-term connections with our customers and employees enable us to best understand our client's needs and provide the most appropriate outsource solutions and candidates.
We put our effort on quality and expertise and we have a large scaled network including advanced on-line channels capabilities that enables us to do so.
Our elite recruiters accompany the recruitment process from start to end with personal touch.
So let us find your next dream job