International Insurance Group (IIG) is an independent insurance agency providing quality protection for individuals, families and businesses throughout the country. Providing superior customer service and low rates along with our ability to understand our customer’s needs drives the success of our agency.
Our Vision is to become a recognized leader in the insurance and financial services arena, by providing our services within the immigrant communities of the United States.
Our Mission is to overcome the language and cultural barriers of immigrants, by creating a comfortable climate, where individuals of different nationalities are offered the highest level of insurance and financial services in their own respective language.
Our incessant goal is to earn the reputation and trust of our clientele, by building bridges among each nationality, one client at a time. Growth will be fueled by well-served clients who in turn will become our greatest advocates within their respective communities.
We currently work with the local communities in 14 different states, their local Romanian communities, and are expanding into the Russian and the Ukrainian communities across the USA. If you have any questions, or would like to contact us regarding a quote or if you would like to join our team, send us an email at: