E3Tech is a local agent highly skilled in the assessment process to obtain ANATEL approval. Our team has 19 years experience with testing and certification in Brazil. We support the foreigner companies to certify their products in the most effective way, with the best lead-time and with lower pricing.
1. Better pricing (in average we can reduce 10% of the total amount spent to certify the product in Brazil);
2. Better lead-time (as we know all key people inside the laboratories, we can get good schedules and also as we are here locally we keep pushing them to give us the best);
3. 24h answer time for quoting (you don’t need to wait 3 to 5 days to get a quote);
4. 7 days per week assistance (we stay online all the time by email, skype, WhatsApp, Line, Wechat);
5. Due to the time zone difference, we stay online in general until 11PM (Brazil time) so most time you don’t need to wait until next day to get the information you need. As you know, OCDs and Labs in Brazil close their operation by 6PM and you can only talk to them in the next day;
6. We push OCD and Labs daily to have feedback about the project and in case it is necessary, we request assistance to client in the same day;
7. We are here to defend our customers interests and many times we argue hard with OCDs and Labs to achieve this goal;
8. We analyze all information or requests sent by OCD and Lab before sharing with our clients. Most time, we can answer them right away and they don’t lose one day to get the reply;
9. Due to our team being engineers with 19 years’ testing experience, we minimize the chances of errors from OCD (wrong technical requirement, wrong conclusions about the testing results, etc).