Hawk Environmental Services, Inc offers unbiased neutral inspection and testing services to ensure that you are getting the information you need without any focus on selling additional services.
Our services include:
Mold Testing
Mold Inspection
Asbestos Testing
Asbestos Inspection
Lead paint inspection
VOC and chemical testing
Workers Safety Compliance Testing
Toxic and Sewer Gas Testing
Soil Testing
Water Quality Testing
Indoor Air Quality Testing
Odor investigations
Infrared Inspection
Moisture Inspections
Water Damage Inspections
Home energy audits
Ventilation assessments
Insulation assessments
Combustion safety testing
Attic inspections
Crawlspace inspections
Blower door testing
We can also custom-tailor inspection and testing services to your specific needs. Feel free to call us for a free 15 minute phone consultation to see what services may be appropriate for your project.
Lead TestingAsbestos TestingMold TestingIndoor Air Quality TestingVOC testingToxic and Sewer Gas TestingWater damage consultatioSpecialty Environmental TestingAir FiltratioLEED Testing