The Los Angeles Film School is an accredited higher education institution located in the heart of Hollywood. The school has served the community and its students since 1999 and offers entertainment-focused Bachelor of Science degrees in Animation, Audio Production, Digital Filmmaking, Entertainment Business, Film Production, Graphic Design, Media Communications and Writing for Film & TV; and Associate of Science degrees in Audio Production, Music Production, and Film. The campus facilities include the historic RCA Building at 6363 Sunset Boulevard and the studios at 6690 Sunset Boulevard, where students have access to industry-standard equipment, editing labs, dub stages and recording studios.
The school’s faculty of industry professionals have earned credits on major motion pictures, video games and music recordings. Numerous alumni have received awards at film festivals worldwide, engineered multi-platinum selling albums, and some credits include GRAMMY® and Oscar® nominations and wins. The school is a VA-approved institution and accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC).
For more information about The Los Angeles Film School, please visit: or call 888.688.5277.