SINODA SHIPPING AGENCY PTE LTD is a well-established ISO 9001-2008 company
incorporated in Singapore since 1992. We provide professional ship agency and marine
services with competitive tariff to the worldwide shipping community, and have grown to
become a leading shipping agency and is one of the most recognised shipping agents in
We render the following services:
-Comprehensive port agency – In port and Out port
-Supply of ships stores and provisions
-Supply of ships spares
-Bunker supply
-Sale & Purchase
-Ship repairs
-Warehousing (10,000 sq. ft. warehouse)/Freight Forwarding/Container Services
-Crew Supply
-OPL Boats
-Marine Inspections And Surveys
o Condition Surveys
o Bunker Surveys
o Pre Vetting Inspections
o Damage Surveys
o On/Off Hire Surveys
o Pre Charter Inspections
o Sale/Purchase Projects
o Pre Purchase Inspections