PRICE® Systems is a leading expert and provider of cost estimation solutions that maximize the success rate of projects, programs and professionals worldwide. Our leading cost estimation solutions are used by many of the top aerospace and defense contractors, improving estimation speed, accuracy and defensibility for estimates on software and hardware projects. Easily adopted, our solutions plus our decades of expertise, support the success of every user in the PRICE community, bringing clarity to complexity and enabling a competitive advantage.
Our Mission:
No project or professional career will fail because of a bad estimate.
Our leading cost estimation solutions and expertise enable professionals within federal agencies and commercial companies to estimate projects faster and with improved accuracy. Our intuitive interface and powerful cost models bring speed, accuracy and defensibility to every estimate. For nearly 50 years, our data-driven estimates have empowered organizations and professionals to budget more successfully, win more profitable deals and achieve greater ROI.
» Leading Expert & Global Provider
» Estimates That Drive Success
» Process Integration
» Powerful Insights & Cost Models
» Exceptional Customer Support
Since 1975, PRICE has provided federal agencies and commercial companies with superior estimates, process integration, powerful insights and cost models and exceptional customer support to enable confidence in estimation and the success of innovative projects and estimators worldwide.