As one of leading cosmetic manufacturers in Korea, Company supplies hair dye, haircares and bodycares. Its hair dye products, private labelled or finished products, have already proven their genuine competitiveness in U.S., China, Hong Kong, Middleeast Asia markets ; based on high speed, enhanced natural ingredients, fade-resistant formula, etc. Company pursues excellent quality but very exceptional prices. On the other hand, Company also supplies wide range of high quality haircares as well as bodycares. Among the product lines are; acid hair shampoo & rinse, hair essence, hair treatment, hair gel, hair wax, hair spray, body cleanser, body lotion, body mist.
Hair Dye, Hair Care, Personal Care, Beauty & Personal Care, Hair, dyed, Textiles, Textiles, Clothing, Leather, Watchmaking, Jewellery, Wool and other animal textile fibres, processed, Personal care products and cosmetics, organic, Organic products
HQ Location
Osong-eup,10 Osongsaengmyeong 1-ro, Cheongwon-gu, Cheongju-si, Chungcheongbuk-do, Korea