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About Bruce Tarr
Bruce Tarr is Chief Financial Officer at Moseley Associates, Inc. in 82 Coromar Drive
Santa Barbara, CA 93117, US. Moseley Associates, Inc. is a Wireless Services company in 82 Coromar Drive
Santa Barbara, CA 93117, US with 17 employees
Moseley designs, manufactures, and markets digital transmission systems for diversified telecommunication industries, and the radio and television broadcast industry.
Moseley is a global, diversified and profitable ISO 9001 company for the digital wireless marketplace with offices in Santa Barbara, California; Richmond, Virginia; and San Diego, California. Moseley and its wholly owned subsidiaries, Axxcelera Broadband Wireless, E-Band Communications, and CarrierComm, offer wireless solutions from 9.6 kbps to 311 Mbps covering the 250 MHz to 80 GHz spectrum for both point-to-point and point-to-multipoint applications for the broadcast, carrier, broadband enterprise, and service provider marketplaces. Moseley’s ETSI-, FCC-, Anatel-, IC-, UL-, and CE-approved radios are deployed in over 160 countries. Moseley uses proprietary technologies with more than 50 patents of its own.
Digital transmission systems designWireless solutions developmentPoint-to-point wireless systems deploymentPoint-to-multipoint wireless systems deploymentRadio systems manufacturingBroadcast industry solutionsCarrier industry solutionsBroadband enterprise solutionsService provider solutionsProprietary technology developmentPatent development
Digital transmission systemsWireless solutionsPoint-to-point wireless systemsPoint-to-multipoint wireless systemsRadio systems (9.6 kbps to 311 Mbps)Broadcast solutionsCarrier solutionsBroadband enterprise solutionsService provider solutions