Black Dog Animal Rescue – the only organization of its kind dedicated exclusively to the pets and people of Wyoming
It’s not just about “saving black dogs.”
In fact, Black Dog Animal Rescue (BDAR) welcomes in dogs of all colors—and ages, sizes, and breeds, too.
And it’s not just about finding loving forever homes for the hundreds of dogs that come through the doors of BDAR every year, either.
At BDAR, we’re working to change the way that companion animals—as well as their dedicated families—are recognized and supported by their communities.
And with every adoption; every new volunteer who joins the program; every person who reaches out and wants to know more about what BDAR is and what we’re envisioning…We’re getting closer and closer to reaching that goal.
You see, although many communities in our great state have an animal shelter, very few have affordable and accessible spay and neuter services, assistance for low-income families with medical emergencies, experienced and professional behavior support, puppy socialization, help lines, re-homing assistance, feral cat management solutions, or shelter surrender intervention programs.
The mission of Black Dog Animal Rescue is to promote, provide, and advocate for the needs of companion animals.