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Loma Linda, initially 'Mound City,' is a health-conscious community with roots dating back to 1905 when the Seventh-day Adventist Church transformed the Loma Linda Resort into the Sanitarium, the precursor to the renowned Loma Linda University and Medical Center. A longstanding national center for health research, it became the first 'smoke-free' city in San Bernardino County in 1993. Today, Loma Linda is famed for its Loma Linda University Medical Center, including the largest neonatal intensive care unit in California, the Proton Accelerator Cancer Treatment Center, and a leading infant heart and multiple organ transplant center, staffed by over 900 physicians.
A prosperous city of 24,000, the city has some of the highest median incomes and highest average home prices in San Bernardino County. Numerous families stroll along the city's tree lined streets, or play in its parks. In this respect, Loma Linda offers residents an alternative to the intense, often anonymous lifestyle so characteristic of modern life.
As the cornerstone of the city's economic vitality, the LLU Medical Center and the adjacent Jerry L. Pettis Memorial Veterans Medical Center have long played pivotal roles. Recognizing the need for sustained growth, Loma Linda is actively pursuing strategic expansion in economic development. The city aims to capitalize on its existing medical expertise by fostering the growth of medical support services, research facilities, and hospital supply firms. There is an effort to attract professional offices and accommodations to cater to the burgeoning healthcare ecosystem. This multifaceted approach not only reinforces the city's commitment to healthcare excellence but also positions it as a hub for innovation, research, and ancillary services, contributing significantly to the overall economic prosperity of Loma Linda.