Bringing Speciality Care to Rural America
With an ever growing need for specialty medical care for hundreds of thousands of Americans, Rural Partners in Medicine (RPM) brings dedicated physicians and surgeons directly to patients in the hospitals serving their rural communities. Simply put, we travel so our patients don't have to! Additionally, the increased utilization of local healthcare resources strengthens the viability of each rural hospital and the communities they serve.
With a sincere dedication to helping people, inReach is founded on the idea that community health means vivacity in more than the operating room. We’ve seen firsthand the benefits of specialty care in remote places and how that care translates to economic growth and prosperity for the hospital, its staff, its patients and the overall communities of rural America. Each day, inReach, its physicians and support team, approach their profession with the same commitment to care, community health and community prosperity.
Contact us to find out more information! 720-432-4419
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