Wicotec Kirkebjerg A/S is one of Denmark’s leading entrepreneurs within technical and constructional solutions. We employ approximately 1.200 people with department all over the country.
As a pioneer within technical installations and construction, Wicotec Kirkebjerg is always on the cutting edge of digital development within our area of expertise. We apply the newest knowledge and technology in every technical and professional project we are involved in. We are able to solve all technically complex enterprises in modern buildings and construction.
To ensure the customer always receives the best possible solution, all our employees are always full updated with the newest courses and certificates.
Throughout the years Wicotec Kirkebjerg has solved many complex and professionally demanding projects around Denmark as well as outside. In many of those projects designing has been a major part.
When working on complex projects we employ every technical and professional competence we have in-house.
Our customers range from government, communal, hospitals, district heating, medicinal companies, food industries, chemical and petrochemical industries, construction and housing.
Construction, Metallization, Steel & Metal Transformation, Metallurgy & Metalworking, Industrial building construction, Structural work, Refrigeration plant and equipment installation, maintenance and repair contractors, Building industry, Gas system installation, maintenance and repair contractors, Local area network (LAN) installation contractors
HQ Location
Roskildevej 338
Taastrup, 2630, DK
TeknikentrepriserFacility ManagementFjernvarmeAnlægVVSServicerift og vedligeholVentilatioSprinklingEl