A center of expertise and technology that proposes and develops innovative solutions in the drone field to collect information faster, more accurately therefore more accessible. We are teh reference in the integration of UAVs using robotics and artificial intelligence. We specialize in service, training and sales of DJI and Autel Robotics products as well as their related auxiliary equipment. The firm is equipped with a service and training department in order to accompany the market to professionalize the integration of drones, particularly in the environmental, mining, industrial, civil engineering and energy sectors in Canada and internationally. DroneXperts focuses part of its activities on research and development and innovation with, for example, the AIR-DX. DroneXperts is becoming a technology integration and development company that opens and improves new markets for drone technology. To do this, it carries out projects in conjunction with experienced developers of new systems that it integrates with drone technology. We are also developing drone-based systems to characterize different environments to develop predictive models for environmental data collection. This approach is based on artificial intelligence and robotization to determine the representation of different environments. DroneXperts is composed of five departments and is one of the largest distributors of DJI drones in Canada (DJI represents 85% of drone sales in the world). The company is now a leader in Canada in the provision of LiDAR services (data acquisition and processing, equipment, training) and other RTK sensors, thermal cameras, multispectral or not (photogrammetry, volumetry, thermography, etc. ...) and training related to drones. We have experts trained to support you in many fields: eg. professional in drone, geomatics, environment, civil engineering.
Distributor for DJI, Wingtra and Autel.