Regenerative Medicine offers the opportunity to deliver improvements in therapies & the quality of life. Revolutionary changes in our understanding of biological principles have opened our eyes to the promise of regenerative & rehabilitative medicine. As we dream of how we might harness our growing knowledge to the benefit of our fellow man, the reality of the challenges along the pathway to clinical translation begin to arise. While there are certain select therapies based on regenerative medicine principles now in clinical use, much work lies ahead to realize the potential of this growing field. Advances in the underlying science, engineering strategies to harness this science & successful commercial activities are all required to all required to bring new therapies to patients.
At the McGowan Institute our primary focus is on the development of technology to address tissue & organ insufficiency.
As a result of this philosophy, our researchers’ efforts broadly cover:
-The replacement of tissue function with entirely synthetic constructs (such as in artificial organs),
-Functional restoration with constructs that comprise both synthetic & cellular components (such as in biohybrid organs),
-The combination of temporary scaffolds with cellular components (such as in conventional tissue engineering), and
-Cellular therapies, including those involving adult stem cells & genetically manipulated cells (such as for the repair of damaged tissue and muscle)
The McGowan Institute is the most ambitious regenerative program in the nation, coupling biology, clinical science & engineering. Success in our mission will impact patients’ lives, bring economic benefit, serve to train the next generation of researchers, & advance the expertise of our faculty in the basic sciences, engineering & clinical sciences.
Higher Education, Technical and professional schools, colleges and institutes, Education and training, Education, Training & Organisations
HQ Location
450 Technology Dr
Suite 300
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219, US