Kishmish is a boutique information technology company headquartered in Syracuse, New York. Since 1999, Kishmish has honed its offerings into two major categories: Network Services and Web Services. The differentiation of these divisions has helped us better describe our wide range of offerings, when the truth of the matter is that we find ourselves often collaborating on mutual projects for the common good of our clients. Together, we offer both a wide perspective of IT needs, and the ability to run deep and on the cutting edge when asked to. Many of our clients ask the question, “Why are you headquartered in Syracuse?” The answer is simple; it is where many of us met and it is where our home is. If we do our job correctly and support ourselves as we support our clients, the location does not matter. Proof of this lies within our full-time team makeup, with members working remotely in Europe and New York City as well as partners across the nation helping us streamline our clients’ needs.