The BIED Society is an International Think Tank with it's HQ based out of Washington DC. Our mission is to bring together key professions that impact national security and international policy. Diplomats, Defense, and Development professionals are joined with PhD's and superior graphic design, economic cartoon, marketing, advertising, and branding teams. We use our publications to build our members skills and encourage interaction between professions. The key component to the interaction is our unique conference schedule on Princess Cruise ships. This makes a perfect place to get away from the office or school, network, see new countries & cultures, and have fun. Our program is strong and getting attention from traditional academic universities. Life long learning doesn't end with your degree, we need to sharpen our skills and the BIED Society is a great place to do just this. Please review the website at and if you have interest in submitting research for publication or in our fellowship program please fill out the Fellowship Interest Form to get more information. Waiting for the perfect job to come to you is one option, or you can take control of your career and network, travel, build your skills & experiences, and meet internationally minded professionals like you. Things I am interested in public diplomacy, International relations, fellowships, diplomats, inter-agency, Journalists, Public Information, Press conferences, spokesperson, talking points, High-level communication efforts, op-eds, economics, development, and international collaboration.