The 184th Wing, also known as "The Fighting Jayhawks", is a collection of smaller organizations with very diverse responsibilities. The wing is assigned to the Kansas Air National Guard. Its primary complex is located at McConnell Air Force Base in Wichita and it has two other squadrons located at Smoky Hill Weapons Range near Salina. The organizations within the wing are as follows.
➤ The 184th ISRG conducts near-real-time observation missions in support of global operations.
➤ The 184th COG employs cutting edge technology to protect Air Force entities from cyber-attacks.
➤ The 184th RSG provides communication directly to warfighter in their area of responsibility.
➤ The 184th MSG provides a variety of support functions to all areas within the wing.
➤ The 184th MDG provides medical services to all members assigned to the wing.
➤ The 184th Wing Staff provides financial, accountant, news media, spiritual guidance, legal assistance, equal opportunity management, safety administration, inspection readiness and command post services to the entire wing.