🇸🇮 Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve predstavlja Republiko Slovenijo pri drugih državah in v mednarodnih organizacijah, spremlja mednarodne politične in gospodarske razmere ter krepi odnose Slovenije z drugimi državami in mednarodnimi organizacijami. Sodeluje pri pogajanjih z drugimi državami in mednarodnimi organizacijami ter pri postopkih za sklenitev mednarodnih aktov, vodi njihovo evidenco in jih hrani. Spodbuja in usklajuje sodelovanje s tujino na političnem, gospodarskem, izobraževalnem, kulturnem in znanstveno-tehničnem področju ter na drugih področjih, posebno pozornost namenja varovanju interesov Slovenije in njenih državljanov ter pravnih oseb v tujini, slovenskim manjšinam v sosednjih državah in Slovencem po svetu.
🇬🇧 The Ministry of Foreign Affairs represents the Republic of Slovenia in relations with other countries and in international organisations, monitors the international political and economic situation, and strengthens Slovenia’s relations with other countries and international organisations. It participates in negotiations with other countries and international organisations and in procedures for the conclusion of international instruments and keeps records of such instruments and is responsible for their archiving. It encourages and coordinates cooperation with foreign countries in the political, economic, educational, cultural, scientific, technical and other fields, devoting particular attention to the protection of the interests of Slovenia and its citizens and legal persons abroad, the Slovenian minorities in neighbouring countries, and the Slovenian diaspora around the world.