Global Team
Mediportal has an engineering, security, and operational team across three continents. We are both agile, integrated, and well structured to deliver daily and weekly performance as a single team.
Physicians don’t need systems, they need seamless care processes and consumers want on-demand care, not patient management.
On-demand Patient Engagement Platform that provides a comprehensive suite of care provider management tools, functions, and processes provided through a (SaaS) solution.
Full-stack serverless technology providing on-demand Plug and Play Suite of care management modules including Revenue & Practice management, Telemedicine, etc…
Allows Practices to incremental upgrade legacy systems with minimal operational impact, team disruption, or upfront investment cost. On-Demand is here ...
Physician sees real-time patient event information from Hospitals, Radiology, Labs, etc, action and store with Mediportal for 24/7.
Business Experience
Start with Telemedicine and add whichever module suites ... when it suites...
Consumer Experience
Patients use ’Personal Health Mobile Application’ to immediately communicate, control personal information, access telemedicine care, consolidate personal health, medical and wellness history and benefit from a range of concierge services that create new revenue streams for physicians.