Founded in 1994, International Centre for Policy Studies (ICPS) is one of the oldest and most experienced think tanks in Ukraine. Throughout its history, ICPS has gone from proclaiming the importance of drafting public policy approaches in Ukraine to introducing them into practice.
Today ICPS’s mission is to advance reforms and social transformation in Ukraine and to promote European principles of governance through our high quality products. ICPS aims to make a sustainable impact by building effective partnerships, applying international practice, and providing innovative solutions.
Think Tanks, Economic studies, Services to businesses, Business Services, Public relations (PR) consultants and services, Public opinion (opinion poll) and social research services, Public relations (PR) consultants
HQ Location
vul. Pymonenka 13A
Kyiv, 04050, UA
European Standarts of Public Consultations in Ukrainian GovernmentImplementation of European Energy Community Treatyand European Standarts of Technical Regulation