We are Central Florida’s only 501(c)3 nonprofit organization focused on accelerating tech and tech-enabled startups. We support founders through the early-stages of a startup, from validating their idea, developing an MVP or Prototype, building the infrastructure of a sustainable business, through first customer / first revenue, to preparing to meet with investors for pre-seed funding. We provide three world-class accelerator programs that offer tech founders the opportunity to learn the skills, competencies and business disciplines that help them address and mitigate the top 20 reasons 2 out of 3 tech startups fail in their first five years. The programs also provide founders with highly skilled coaches and subject matter experts, as well as personal introductions and connections into the broader tech ecosystem. We prepare pre-seed-ready starters to attract outside funding while also investing in eligible pre-seed-stage accelerator graduates through our own evergreen fund. StarterStudio is supported by donors and local governments as a stimulus to economic development and high-wage jobs.
Professional Training and Coaching
HQ Location
130 S Orange Ave
Suite B
Orlando, Florida 32801, US
Tech startup idea validatioAssist startups with developing their MVPEarly-stage tech acceleratorAssist startups with customer presentationsAssist startups with investor pitch decks and pitchesAssist startups in securing first customer/first revenueAssist startups in identifying grant funding