Many companies talk about how important their customers are. Some have even written a mission statement. At EvTech Media, we take that idea to a whole new level. As a seminar and events marketing company, Evtech Media believes in providing superior products and services to our customers and students. Our overall goal is to provide the kind of experience that, after the events, will leave people saying, “wow, that was amazing.” So how do we deliver on that promise? It’s all in the details. Anyone can say they provide a “world class experience,” but all too often they under deliver. We make sure that doesn’t happen. In fact, we have an entire department dedicated to searching out and booking the best possible event venues all around the country. We spend hundreds of thousands of dollars every year making sure that we have the best presenters, exceptional premiums, top notch customer service, delicious food, etc. And that’s just what you expect to happen. Evtech Media employs over 250 employees and independent contractors.