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About Bob England
Bob England is Director Of Church Relations at Kentucky Mountain Bible College in united states. Previously worked at paoli wesleyan church as Senior Pastor. Kentucky Mountain Bible College is a Higher Education company in 855 Hwy 541
Jackson, ky 41339, US with 11 employees
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Bob England is the Director Of Church Relations @Kentucky Mountain Bible College, with experience in Senior Pastor @paoli wesleyan church
Kentucky Mountain Bible College is a 4 year Bible College training students to serve in ministry positions within the local church and ministry-oriented organizations.
Our mission is to equip men and women to serve with: a passion to know God, a passion to prepare for His ministry, a passion to live and teach the message of Biblical holiness, and a passion to evangelize and disciple the world for Christ.
KMBC is located in the midst of the breathtaking scenic wonder of Eastern Kentucky. This rural area, rich in history and culture, allows the student a season of thoughtful solitude. The focus on traditional Biblical values, spiritual character, a caring family atmosphere, a passion for a holy living, and high academic standards enrich each student who comes to KMBC.
KMBC’s quality is ensured by a student/faculty ratio of 6 to 1, providing the opportunity for personal spiritual care and academic instruction. KMBC seeks to launch servant leaders into diverse ministry-oriented careers with a minimum of debt. Residential faculty, family-style dining, and an open and caring atmosphere provide for a unique and meaningful learning experience.
KMBC graduates are serving around the globe, crisscrossing the United States, and impacting over 50 nations. From inner-city churches to denominational leadership, from international ministry to missions outreach, KMBC graduates are making a worldwide difference.