LGN is a community of lean thought leaders and practitioners with the goal of making things better by advancing lean thinking and practice throughout the world. We are comprised of 30 collaborative member institutes and partners. Visit leanglobal.org for more information on how to join.
Founded by Jim Womack and Dan Jones in 2007, LGN supports members in three fundamental ways:
• Share knowledge on lean to develop skills within the community
• Collaborate on joint company projects and events
• Develop new educational materials such as publications and training
LGN has working relationships and learning partnerships with individuals and organizations throughout the globe. Partners come from all walks of life – industry, university faculty, researchers, member associations, retired lean practitioners, healthcare organizations, government agencies, and NGOs to name a few examples. We are mission driven and therefore our goals are to help others:
• Provide more fulfilling work and continued personal development
• Enable individuals to realize and create more value
• Minimize resource use and environmental impact
• Improve organizational performance
• Raise living standards for society
As members of the LGN community, we work together to develop and strengthen our lean thinking capabilities to:
• create value for our customers and
• ensure the success of our organizations