Wits Diagnostic Innovation Hub (Wits DIH) is a new entity registered under the University Research Committee (URC), as well as the Faculty of Health Sciences, at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa. The administration of Wits DIH remains with Wits Health Consortium (WHC), a private entity wholly-owned by Wits University supporting over 100 research syndicates from the Faculty of Health Sciences, under the leadership of Professor Wendy Stevens as the Divisional Executive Director (who is also the Strategic Director of the National Priority Programme of the National Health Laboratory Service). Our vision is to accelerate access to the most affordable innovative diagnostics for those that need them the most. As a team of experienced and globally recognised laboratory scientists, we design, develop, evaluate and implement innovative solutions and processes that address critical challenges in the pathology value chain for patients affected by priority diseases in the African region.