Bill Vargas
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Work Experience
Ag Sales
2010 - Present · 14 years and 11 months
Company Details
Ippolito International is a second-generation farming company offering year-round supplies of premium quality Queen Victoria and Coast King brand vegetables. We are North America’s largest supplier of fresh Brussels sprouts and also offer a full line of mainstream produce items and extensive array of mixed and specialty vegetables. We pride ourselves on delivering ‘large company’ volumes and services while purposely giving our customers a ‘small company’ customer service experience. It is of utmost importance to us that our customers receive good, old-fashioned service and great quality products with every order. We also take pride in the 'small company' feel our employees experience while working at Ippolito International. Whether it's running together as a team at a 5K or working on a new product, we work together with open lines of communications between all levels of the company. Co-partner Ron Mondo sums it up by saying "we're a family." We've grown tremendously since our first cartons of produce were shipped in 2005, but we strive to maintain the small company feel that's made Ippolito International the successful company it is today.
Year Founded
Social Media
Food and Beverage Manufacturing
HQ Location
Salinas, US
Brussels SproutsFamily FarmFresh VegetablesIceberg Lettuce
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