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About Bill Kennedy
Bill Kennedy is Principal at Wingspan Business Consulting in Fort Collins, Colorado, United States. Previously worked at SCVEDC as Chairman/Ceo. Wingspan Business Consulting is a Business Consulting and Services company in undefined with 2 employees
Wingspan offers consulting, planning, research, training and seminars for enterprises of all sizes in the public and private sectors, non-profit and for-profit alike. The ideal candidate companies are those with 10-500 employees. We can provide the assistance you need to solve your problems, improve your efficiency, increase your profitability, and help your business grow through two major services: Training Seminars and Business Consulting.
Training Seminars
Wingspan offers over 20 training seminars covering such subjects as customer service, lean manufacturing, marketing, management/leadership skills, sales, strategic planning, total quality management, and time management among others.
Presentations are geared for individual companies, trade groups, business symposiums, and the like.
Wingspan also offers a wide range of management consulting, including executive coaching, assistance with process improvements, and guided change management where an outside perspective can often help overcome internal inertia. Our goal is to enhance your profitability by delivering customer focused solutions for increasing revenue and improving operational efficiencies.
The process of management consulting engagement starts with a complimentary consultation during which we will assess your needs, identify opportunities for improvement and set tangible goals. Typically, this initial meeting begins with a discussion of the company’s strategies and objectives during which we will pinpoint with management opportunities to:
Improve revenue and margins
Implement needed change in the organization
Coach executives to greater levels of performance
Improve customer service and customer satisfaction
Assist with business planning and strategy development
Enhance customer relationships and improve customer interactions
Improve operational efficiency in marketing, sales and across departments