Global Liquidity Partners (GLP) is a technology company focusing on equity electronic execution technology. The GLP business model is entirely performance-driven and our technology is used in the execution of orders for broker-dealers and the full range of investment management firms. GLP offers a comprehensive suite of algorithmic strategies with an emphasis on customized solutions. Automating Common Sense
12 Broad Street
Suite 201
Red Bank, New Jersey 07701, US
Focus on execution quality with over seven years of consistent and superior TCA results verified by MarkitPerformance based model with significant basis points of savings especially in the small and mid-cap spaceData centric algorithmic strategies that adapt real time to market conditionsUnique routing strategies and child order placementClient focused customized solutions implemented quicklyContinuous investment in technology both hardware and softwareExtensive testing of sources of liquidity and venue analysisClient anonymity with an agnostic and conflict free approach