Teach For Nepal is a national movement of outstanding university graduates and young professionals in Nepal, and of Nepalis abroad, dedicated to end education inequity and providing quality education to all children in Nepal.
Teach For Nepal is a response to a growing problem of educational inequity in our country. We seek our nation's brightest minds - and our most promising young leaders - to address this urgent issue. Our Fellowship program trains Fellows to teach for two years in public schools and helps them develop the leadership skills they need to succeed across sectors.
In April 2013 (Baishak 2070), we placed our first cohort of 33 Fellows to teach in 16 schools across Lalitpur district. Now we are welcoming 80 new young individuals as our 9th Cohort starting 2021. The application for the Fellowship is now open. Please visit www.teachfornepal.org or call us at 01-4240105
One day, all children in Nepal will receive an excellent education.