Set against the scenic backdrop of Monterey, Santa Catalina School is an independent, Catholic, boarding and day school for girls in grades 9-12 with a diverse student body and strong local roots. Our boarding and day school is where inspired, powerful, active learning happens—in the classroom, on the field or the stage, and in the dorms. Catalina girls take ownership of their academics—including a marine ecology program that takes advantage of Monterey Bay—and they pursue their passions. True sisterhood creates a community that is fueled by curiosity, kindness, and confidence.
Accredited by California Association of Independent Schools and Western Association of Schools and Colleges, Santa Catalina is a member of National Association of Independent Schools, The Association of Boarding Schools, National Catholic Educational Association, National Coalition of Girls' Schools, California Association of Independent Schools, Secondary School Admission Test Board, and Online School for Girls.
Quick Facts
230 girls (133 boarding, 97 day)
Average Class Size — 13
Student Teacher Ratio — 7:1
40% of the Upper School student body receives financial assistance.