COMTRON d.o.o. je eno izmed vodilnih računalniških podjetij v Sloveniji s sedežem v Mariboru. Ustanovljeno je bilo leta 1989 in se tako ponaša z zavidljivo titulo podjetja s tradicijo.
Naše glavne dejavnosti so naslednje:
• Inženiring, vzdrževanje in svetovanje s področja informacijskih, računalniških, omrežnih in komunikacijskih sistemov.
• Razvoj lastnih poslovnih programskih in spletnih rešitev.
• Prodaja računalnikov, računalniških komponent in programske opreme.
Podjetje sestavljata dva profitna centra:
PCI sistemski inženiring z oddelki:
• sistemskega inženiringa;
• servisno – tehnične službe;
• komercialne službe za prodajo IKT rešitev in programske opreme.
PC TIC poslovna programska oprema z oddelki:
• TRON InterCenter,
• TRONpos Android in Windows,
• Spletne rešitve B2B, B2C, portali in sistemi na ključ.
Naše podjetje trdno temelji na svojih vrednotah in viziji, a se nenehno spreminja, razvija in raste.
Od zaposlenih pričakujemo, da delajo v skladu s pravili stroke in po svojih močeh prispevajo za delovanje v skladu z zastavljenimi cilji in vrednotami.
Our mission and vision in Mission and Vision is to dominate the industry of information and communication technology.
That means to set standards for satisfying customers, while increasing market share and profitability. Taking account of all the entities (customers, employees, the environment and the owners) on the basis of our beliefs and values.
COMTRON is a private hold company established in 1989.
Our main field of work is:
- System integration
- Business solution (own ERP – TIC, POS System -TRONpos, WEBshop ,Warehouse system- TWH)
- Engineering services, service
- B2B and B2C internet sale
In order to give our customers access to the latest technologies, we cooperate with the giants of information technology and have thus acquired the highest partner status that they accredit.
IT Services and IT Consulting, Computers, home, Computers, Information Technology, Information technology (IT) maintenance services, Information technology (IT) and Internet, IT, Internet, R&D, Information technology (IT) engineering, Information technology (IT) security services, Property development, management and sales services
HQ Location
Tržaška cesta 21
Maribor, 2000, SI
information technologyITserversstoragebackuptivirushardwaresoftwarecrmerp