Bishop García Diego High School is an independent Catholic co-educational secondary school that welcomes students of all faiths and provides them with the spiritual, personal, and intellectual knowledge to meet the enduring challenge of realizing their God-given potential in a multi-cultural society.
Bishop Diego combines the rich heritage of our predecessor schools. In 1914, Dolores School opened a Catholic high school program for girls in downtown Santa Barbara. The school transitioned to the name Notre Dame High School in the early 1920s and became The Santa Barbara Catholic High School, a co-educational secondary school in 1940. In 1959, the Archdiocese of Los Angeles assumed sponsorship of the school, moving it to our present campus and taking California's first bishop, Bishop Francisco García Diego y Moreno, as its patron. In 2005, Bishop Diego High School became an independent Catholic high school.
Private High School (grades 9-12)College and Academic CounselingComprehensive and Competitive AthleticsService-MindeCatholic SchoolCollege PreparatoryCommunity