SUNY Cortland is a 7,000-student comprehensive college of arts and sciences located in the rolling hills of Central New York. It has been educating ambitious students since 1868, and has graduated more than 70,000 alumni success stories in fields ranging from education, science and business to athletics, entertainment and the arts. Providing a high-quality educational environment where students learn in the classroom, the community and beyond is our top priority. We are home to the largest and most-respected teacher education program in New York state, one of the country's top Division III athletic programs, and an ever-growing collection of national honors and accolades for educational value, sustainability leadership, programmatic excellence and service to communities beyond campus. But the value of SUNY Cortland’s educational experience runs much deeper than that. Cortland helps shape the character, philosophy and attitude of its students as it expands their horizons far beyond the classroom. As a result, Cortland alumni think critically and independently. They’re not afraid to test perceived limits. They’ve developed the confidence to persevere in the face of challenges and to lead in times of crisis or confusion.
In short, SUNY Cortland prepares its graduates for success – however they define it. Cortland is, always has been, and will always be an institution committed to access; offering a high-quality education at a price that makes it affordable to any deserving student, regardless of their financial situation. And in these complicated and challenging economic times, that commitment is priceless.